
I am the PI of the MSCA PF project CORPORA hosted by the TrustCPS group led by Univ-Prof Ezio Bartocci at TU Wien.

My research interests cover formal methods for the verification of safety-critical and real-time systems, focusing on temporal logic, formal languages and automata theory.

I am currently working on context-free temporal logic and (probabilistic) pushdown model checking. In particular, I introduced a new temporal logic (POTL) based on Operator Precedence Languages, with the purpose of allowing better and more general modelling and specification of recursive programs. Within CORPORA, I am studying ways of verifying recursive probabilistic programs through probabilistic pushdown model checking.

I am also interested in the verification of floating-point computations, as well as approximate computing. I collaborated in the development of TAFFO, a compiler-based precision-tuning framework.

Previously, I was a Ph.D. candidate and then a PostDoc in the deepse group, at DEIB, Politecnico di Milano, where I was involved in the PIACERE H2020 project, in which I was investigating ways of model checking Infrastructure-as-Code.



The best way to contact me is by email: michele.chiari@tuwien.ac.at
Twitter: @micchiari
GitHub: michiari

Quite often, you may also find me here:
TrustCPS Group – TU Wien
Office 27, Floor 3, Building DE
Treitlstraße 3, 1040, Vienna, Austria
+43 1 58801 740033